Friday, February 01, 2008

Stars Travel - still charging a 5% credit card surcharge

I will still use their service in the future, but I'm just stating here a fact. Last November, I booked a trip to Shanghai with them, and because it is a "free" trip that I need to pay first in advance and reimburse after a month's time, I used my credit card again (this is my second time to do so with them). That is November 2007. Just a few months before, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) I think has already (re-)issued a circular/law disallowing any surcharges on credit card transactions. And here they are still, a-charging. I personally really didn't mind, because again, I was going to reimburse whatever they're charging to this foreign group with lots of dough. So anyway, I'm just here stating a fact. And again, I will still use their services in the future for trips around Asia, and most especially for trips to/from Japan.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I stumbled upon your blog while searching for solutions to my credit card problem. [they keep charging me without activating the card.]

    You have pretty informative articles. I'll be sure to watch out for those businesses with poor practices.

    Keep up the great work!
